Thursday, August 30, 2012

How to Forget About a Blog... or, Settling into a New Routine

How many people can say that they've started to keep a diary or something similar, gotten three pages in, and then completely forgot about it? I know I'm definitely guilty of doing that many times, not only with diaries but also with blogs and such. But I've been getting better! Over the last eight months I've successfully kept a journal (that I write in every night, give or take a few days). What's the trick? All I had to do to get myself to write in my journal every night was to settle into the routine of it, and now the only time I can go to bed without doing it is if I'm so tired I actually can't think straight.

So I promise not to abandon this blog like I have many before it - I just have to settle into a routine. Over the last few weeks of the summer, between coming home and going back to school, creating a new routine for a short period of time was hard. But now that I'm back at school, I just need to set myself a time once a week where I'll sit down and tell myself "this is blog writing time." Settling into a routine is good for other things besides blog writing. I'm not a morning person, but I've been getting up at 7:30 every morning just because it makes things easier (even though my earliest class is at 9:20). That way I have time to pull myself out of bed, enjoy breakfast, and get ready for my day. On days when I have a later class, I've been going to the gym. All I had to do was find the time in my schedule to do it and stick to it.

Of course, settling into a new routine takes time. Though I've been good about it for the last four days, I still wouldn't call it something that I can do regularly. Honestly, I've never really been a morning person, and if you had told me to get up every morning at 7:30 last semester I would've laughed (and promptly gone back to sleep). But now I'm not rushing to get ready for class, and even though yes, I have to go to bed earlier, it's nice to have my mornings mapped out. And maybe by October this schedule will be second nature. (The only thing that Google was useful for in telling me about how long it takes for a habit to form is that no one knows really knows how long it takes. Thanks.)

Sure, there's something wonderful about being spontaneous, but that's what the weekends are for.